Meet the Science Expert

¡Descubra! Meet the Science Expert is a national public education program for kids, teens, and families that builds science skills in youth and includes showcasing Latino/a scientists, STEM supporting organizations, and hands-on activities.

Hispanic Heritage

¡Descubra! Hispanic Heritage is a national public education program for kids, teens, and families that promotes Latino arts and cultural contributions while showcasing opportunities to become involved in cultural representation. The program series features family events at museums in Washington D.C. and across the country and includes take-home Create-It activities for kids.
Hispanic Heritage Month Resources
The National Museum of the American Latino has compiled a compendium of educational resources related to Hispanic Heritage Month. 
Please visit the Hispanic Heritage Month Resources page to learn more. 

Create-It Activity Handouts From Past Featured Events

Want to work on your own ¡Descubra! Create-It project? Check out the Create-It handouts and become a scientist in your own home, classroom, or community center. Create-It handouts are pocket and kitchen science activities that are fun, easy-to-do, and allow you to work on your own STEM project.
Accompanying The Great Inka Road: Engineering an Empire at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian, this family activity poster allows kids and families of all ages to explore the iconic locations of Cusco as well as discover how to make their own Andean Panpipe and clay llamas.

Accompanying the Portraiture Now: Staging the Self exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, this family activity poster allows kids and families of all ages to explore their identity and culture, as well as participate in a geography challenge learning about the featured artist's cultural backgrounds and their geographic connections.

Check out this Art Lab+ teen produced video about culture and identity.

Highlighting the Cerámica de los Ancestros: Central America's Past Revealed exhibition, this family day and accompanying activity poster include fun word searches on the animals of Central America and a recipe for a tasty Hot Chocolate. Check out this quick and easy video on how you can make your own clay pottery. Click Here to take a journey through Central America's past by downloading the Color and Discover Coloring Book and Activity Reader that includes A-Z English and Spanish coloring pages based on the Central American collection at the National Museum of the American Indian and fun activity sheets
Celebrating the Central American communities in the United States, check out this activity booklet which includes a Central American Geography Challenge, a traditional textile inspired coloring sheet, instructions for how to make a saw dust rug, word searches and more!  Click here to view short
videos of the featured food, music, weaving, and other artists of the day.

Learn more about Latin rhythms and percussion, the science of sound, and the Afro-Caribbean connection with fill-in-the blank, word searches, and image matching activities. Check out the percussion jam session as well as the How to Make Music Memories video here.

Travel through the different regions in Argentina by using this activity booklet to learn about the geography of the country, tell the story about the Tango through fill-in the blank and coloring activities, go an exciting journey through the Pampas with a gaucho and make your own clay llama. Click here to watch a short video that shows you how to make your own clay llama.

¡Descubra! Family Programs are made possible, in part, through the program support provided by NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises. To learn more about our sponsor's educational resources, please visit El Poder en Ti here.